How To Define Your Ideal Client Profile

Pareto Systems


Pareto Systems


Nov 18, 2023

How To Define Your Ideal Client Profile

This article is taken directly from Duncan MacPherson’s new book ‘The Blue Square Method’

Remove the mystery for the world around who your ideal client is. People who chase, speak in terms of who they are looking for. People who attract speak in terms of who they are suited for. Professional scarcity conveys that you are not all things to all people. You are all things to some people. Define this on a sheet of paper that is client-facing. Show it to them as you are telling them that you only accept new clients that are introduced to you, and assuming there is a good fit.

Be panoramic in your description. AAA PLUS is the perfect frame. The first A speaks to the Alignment of the client’s assets and actions with your value. This isn’t about minimums (or even maximums) – it’s not about a number, it’s about alignment. Write out the demographic reality in terms of where the client is in their life. Write out their socioeconomic reality in terms of the complexity of their needs, based on being a business owner, professional or executive. Define the fit.

Then, the second A – which is just as important - speaks to the Attitudinal compatibility of the person. List out seven qualities that emphasize that chemistry is as important as alignment.

The third A is Advocacy – looking out for the people they care about.

The PLUS punctuates belonging and exclusivity because it means, at the end of the day, our clients are People Like US. We’re good, hardworking, family-centered, community-focused people who are all wired the same way. The best clients are enlightened about everything and everyone – including the price of value. They don’t dwell on why organic food is so expensive, they wonder why inorganic food is so much cheaper. They have a natural curiosity about not overpaying, but they are wired with appreciation, humility, and gratitude. They don’t take the little things for granted. In the morning when they are up early at home, they appreciate that the garbage can in the kitchen isn’t overflowing, that the dishwasher is already empty, and the coffee maker is already fully prepared and ready to go. The simple everyday things are wins.

They like to see other people thrive, there is no resentment or jealousy. They have an appreciation for the possibility of abundance and an appreciation for the things that are scarce. Surround yourself in that deliberately.

Let your advocates naturally sift out real prospects and protect you from the suspects.

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